Jazz Classes
A technique based class that focuses on teaching proper alignment and execution of Jazz technique with integrated stylistic movement. Dancers will learn how to execute a wide variety of Jazz skills such as but not limited to: emphasis on rhythm, groundedness,isolations, movement of hips, expanding on performance of technique skills, exploring theatrical performance of a variety of styles of Jazz, etc.

Class Level Descriptions
Seedlings (Tap, Ballet & Jazz)
A 60 minute combination class teaching Tap, Jazz & Ballet fundamentals. This class focuses on basic technique, rhythm and creative movement. Seedlings accommodates dancers 3-5 years of age. Dancers will need black tie up tap shoes and pink canvas ballet shoes for this class.
Blossoms (Tap, Ballet & Jazz)
A 60 minute combination class teaching Tap, Jazz & Ballet fundamentals. This class focuses on strength, coordination and creative movement. Blossoms accommodates dancers 5-7 years of age. Dancers will need black tie up tap shoes and black jazz shoes for this class.
Jr. Jazz
Junior Level Classes are beginner/intermediate level curriculum accommodating dancers 8-12 years of age. Dancers require black jazz shoes for this class.
Teen Jazz
Teen Level Classes are beginner/intermediate level curriculum accommodating dancers 13-18 years of age. Dancers require black jazz shoes for this class.
Adult Jazz
Adult Level Classes are open level curriculum accommodating dancers 19 years of age and up. Adult jazz is a great escape from your boring, everyday workout. Dancers require black jazz shoes for this class.